Sep 25, 2017
In the midst of any sort of grief, your ordinary life can feel like a bizarre twilight zone. I was known for being ditzy as a teen – I was up in my head a lot of the time. Later, I was glad to find that I am smart and I can focus. Learning about common...
Sep 14, 2017
“Let that which stood in front go behind, Let that which was behind advance to the front.” – Walt Whitman The term ambiguous loss has come to mean less obvious losses. They are losses related to some level of uncertainty, lack of closure, or a sense of longing. An...
Sep 8, 2017
What’s this? Do you ever feel a tinge of melancholy when the weather changes, even when you’re excited for the new season? Or just in general, when something in your life is changing, whether good or bad, do you feel a little uneasy? Maybe your circumstances...