Normal Grief Reactions

Normal Grief Reactions

The vast, contrasting experiences of change are sometimes overwhelming. “I feel as if it isn’t real.”  “My mood changes over the slightest things.”  “I feel so relieved.”  “I never knew it would hurt so bad!” “Why do I feel out of control.”  “I’m so lonely.”  “I don’t...
Mother’s Day Loss

Mother’s Day Loss

As a psychotherapist often working with those in grief, I observe some intricacies of how holidays can be challenging. Mother’s Day can be especially complex. Some folks will celebrate with brunch and flowers, as they enjoy a close or amicable relationship with their...
Ambiguous Loss – Some Coping Skills

Ambiguous Loss – Some Coping Skills

“Let that which stood in front go behind, Let that which was behind advance to the front.” – Walt Whitman The term ambiguous loss has come to mean less obvious losses.  They are losses related to some level of uncertainty, lack of closure, or a sense of longing.  An...
Ambiguous Loss

Ambiguous Loss

What’s this? Do you ever feel a tinge of melancholy when the weather changes, even when you’re excited for the new season?  Or just in general, when something in your life is changing, whether good or bad, do you feel a little uneasy?  Maybe your circumstances...

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