Art Therapy: Kinesthetic Healing Through Creation

Art Therapy: Kinesthetic Healing Through Creation

Contributed and authored by Isabelle Powell. Many thanks! “Grief and art are similar in that they both elicit physical energy. Neither grief, nor art-making, are linear, but more spatial matrices”, explains Rachael Morgan, Licensed Professional Counselor...
Making Decisions While Feeling Upset After Loss

Making Decisions While Feeling Upset After Loss

How are you at making up your mind? This post is for anyone who struggles with procrastination, commitments, motivation, or making decisions…especially while experiencing an emotional “slump,” or what may be stealth grief. First, put simply, grief is a result of...
Emotions: What Are They Trying to Tell You?

Emotions: What Are They Trying to Tell You?

Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it. Be whatever you are...
The Underrated Heartache

The Underrated Heartache

they did not tell me it would hurt like this no one warned me about the heartbreak we experience with friends where are the albums i thought there were no songs sung for it i could not find the ballads or read the books dedicated to writing the grief we fall into when...
Radical Acceptance

Radical Acceptance

I learned the term radical acceptance when I was facilitating a Dialectical Behavior Therapy group with woman in early recovery from addiction.  Asking the women to fully accept the reality of their situation seemed like a terrible thing to ask of them, because it...

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