Normal Grief Reactions

Normal Grief Reactions

The vast, contrasting experiences of change are sometimes overwhelming. “I feel as if it isn’t real.”  “My mood changes over the slightest things.”  “I feel so relieved.”  “I never knew it would hurt so bad!” “Why do I feel out of control.”  “I’m so lonely.”  “I don’t...
Making Decisions While Feeling Upset After Loss

Making Decisions While Feeling Upset After Loss

How are you at making up your mind? This post is for anyone who struggles with procrastination, commitments, motivation, or making decisions…especially while experiencing an emotional “slump,” or what may be stealth grief. First, put simply, grief is a result of...
Emotions: What Are They Trying to Tell You?

Emotions: What Are They Trying to Tell You?

Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it. Be whatever you are...
The Shadow Personality

The Shadow Personality

I like seeing Halloween photos appear on my Facebook or Instagram newsfeed. People look happy dressing up in costume and being playful together.  I think one reason Halloween is enjoyable is because it is a time that the Shadow is socially acceptable, appreciated, and...
Finding Meaning

Finding Meaning

One of the most uniquely human attributes is that we are meaning-making-machines. Let’s use it to our advantage. Show us the moon covering up the sun for several seconds – creating darkness in the middle of the day – and we will allocate meaning to...

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